I first met Lawrence in 1963 when he interviewed ( and selected) me to be his assistant at Gloucester RDC. Nancy, my wife, already knew him as she had worked there some years earlier. From the start we got on very well. I was a green 25 year old and Lawrence was the experienced expert! I was keen to learn and I could not have had a better teacher. He was one of those rare people who had a big hunger for knowledge together with the ability to store what he learnt and accurately recall it at will. He became an encyclopaedia of all rules, regulations and laws of everything to do with building, public health and local government. His abilities were recognised and valued nationally and by other European countries. Only special people reach those levels. As a result of working together we were sometimes sent to meetings and on courses etc. and there was always a social side to those events. Over those years we certainly had some fun! We were all sad when Lawrence left the RDC, but we never completely lost touch. It was a very good move for him professionally, and it did me no harm as I took over his job! I am grateful for having known Lawrence, for the things he taught me and for his friendship. He will be remembered.
— Mike Brice